Selasa, 29 April 2008

Controlling Nervousness

On many occasions I meet people who come up to me and express how nervous they are when meeting people and when conducting presentations.

Dear Friends, being nervous is NORMAL. That means if you are not nervous, you are not normal lah! :)) Seriously. Even I get nervous when I am conducting programs in front of's just that I move so fast on stage that you hardly noticed how much I shake! ;)

Being nervous is God's way of telling you, "YOU STILL NEED ME!" :) You may be the best speaker in the world, but you can't do a thing without His Blessings, yes?

So accept the fact that being nervous is normal. Redha (Acceptance). Only after you accept that fact can you only move on to control it :)

The first step in controlling nervousness is to put it in your mind that the person or persons in front of you has two hands and two legs just like you (and anything less is still acceptable too!); so why be nervous? ;)

But if the person or persons in front of you has more than two hands and two legs, has a tail waving behind their backs, 4 heads with horns, I would suggest you run away in fear too!

So Number 1, the person in front of you is physically just like you. Even if he has a "Dato" or a "Dr." in front of his name, he still has two hands and two legs like you. So be cool :)

Now, if this person or persons in front of you were friends, would you still be just as nervous if you were facing strangers? Hardly.

So the second step is to make friends with your audience. If you are to do a presentation, minggle and make friends with members of your audience BEFORE you get up on stage to present. For one-to-one communications, take time to find anything in common between you and the peron you are speaking to before you indulge in any subject matter with him/her. I believe, when there is something in common between you and me, we easily get attracted to one another. I do not believe in opposites attract; we are not magnets, we are human beings! :)

For those of you who have been in my class before, SALAM MESRA is the way to go (and for those of you who've yet to be in my class, choose to be in my class lah!).

Now that you have accepted the fact that nervousness is normal, the person in front of you is just like you and that you are only talking to friends, you will be able to present yourself easily, yes? Of course you can :)

Remember, to be nervous or to be confident is a CHOICE. My Choice :) So choose to be confident lah ;)

Take care. Take Charge! Stop Bangau-ing ;)

Stop BANGAU-ing!

Do you know how we sometimes find excuses and blame when things do not go our way? Well, I've found an effective cure for that ;) and it's called STOP BANGAU-ing! :)

(For those who don't know what a 'bangau' is, some people call it a stork, or a crane, or flamingo.....) you get the idea ;)

Remeber that rhyme we use to learn when we were small, "Bangau oh Bangau, kenapa engkau kurus"? Translated, it sounds something like this: "Bangau oh Bangau, why are you so thin? I am so thin because the fish will not come come up (i.e. surface). Fish, why did you not come up? Because the grass is too long. Grass, why are you too long? Because the buffalow did not eat me. Buffalow, why did you not eat the grass? Because I had a stomach ache. Stomach, why did you ache? Because I ate rice which was not cook well......." and so the story goes. As we can see how we tend to push blame and finger point.

So stop BANGAU-ing! Everytime you give an excuse, you are bangau-ing ;) Stop finger-pointing because that's bangau-ing too!

Sometimes we give excuses for every single thing that we did not do or did not get.....for example, if someone were to ask, "Why did you come in late?" some of use would answer, "Traffic Jam!" (BANGAU!)....."Why didn't you complete your assignment in time?" some would answer "Oh, I had to take care of my sick mother" (BANGAU! just bangau-ed you mother!)....."Why didn't you buy that car you wanted?" some would answer, "Takde rezeki!" (BANGAU! Saper yg bagi rezeki? TUHAN of course! So sanggupkah kita membangau TUHAN?? Nau'zubillah!)

Every Moment is A Choice, kan.....and Every Choice is MY Choice. So stop bangau-ing lah ;) Take Charge! Be responsible. Kalau salah just say sorry and make up for it. That's what I mean by being responsible......stop giving excuses. Do something about it. Solve the problem. Act ;)

Bangau-ing will only limit our posibilities and potential. I've heard some people say that they do not have the confidence when doing publice speaking or class presentations....and when I ask what's stoping them from being confident, they would give all sorts of bangaus! Malulah, don't know what to say lah, the audience might walk out lah, trembling lah.....etc. etc. seribu satu bangau :)) Padahal, they know what ever reasons or excuses (i.e. bangau) they give can be solved and that there are many choices/ways to solve the respective problem. JUST CHOOSE LAH! SOLVE IT LAH! Usah lah membangau lagi! Just get it done and move on.

Selagi we dok membangau je, we will never move on to better things and be better human beings. So the next time an excuse develops in your mind, just say STOP BANGAU-ING! and TAKE CHARGE! :)

RIZAL said :)

kecantikan lelaki, kegagahan wanita

Kecantikan seorang lelaki bukan kepada rupa fizikal tetapi pada murni rohani.Lelaki yang cantik,adalah:-

1) Lelaki yang mampu mengalirkan airmata untuk ingatan

2) Lelaki yang sedia menerima segala teguran

3) Lelaki yang memberi madu,setelah menerima racun,

4) Lelaki yang tenang dan lapang dada

5) Lelaki yang baik sangka

6) Lelaki yang tak pernah putus asa
Kecantikan lelaki berdiri di atas kemuliaan hati.Seluruh kecantikan yang ada pada Muhammad adalah kecantikan yang sempurna seorang lelaki.

Kegagahan Wanita
Kegagahan seorang wanita bukan kepada pejal otot badan,tetapi pada kekuatan perasaan. Perempuan yang gagah,adalah:-

1) Perempuan yang tahan menerima sebuah kehilangan

2) Perempuan yang tidak takut pada kemiskinan

3) Perempuan yang tabah menangung kerinduan setelah ditinggalkan

4) Perempuan yang tidak meminta-minta agar di penuhi segala keinginan
Kegagahan perempuan berdiri di atas teguh iman.Seluruh kegagahan yang ada pada Khadijah adalah kegagahan sempurna bagi seorang perempuan.

10 Perkara lelaki patut lakukan kpd teman wanita sdg period

1. Hadiah coklat kepadanya. pasti si gadia gembira menerimanya. sesungguhnya pemberian kamu itu menjadi ubat kepada emosi gadis kala itu
2. Nyatanya kehadiran PMS bukan waktu memutuskan hubungan. peranan lelaki perlu lebih meahami pasangannya. ikut rentak si dia dan layanlah dia sebagai seorang puteri sepanjang seminggu itu
3. Lelaki sering terkena leteran tentu mendapati kedatangan period teman wanita bukanlah hari yang paling indah. Cuba tumpukan perhatian lebih kepadanya dan jangan mendatangkan marahnya. ucapkan cinbta dan pujinya cantik lebih-lebih.
4. Harap teman lelaki lebih memahami dan tidak mengemukakan apa-apa persoalan atau masalah dalam waktu begini. kejutan perlulah yang bermanfaat dan benar-benar menggembirakan.
5. kala si kekasih mula bertanyakan tentang badannya, jangan pula menambah bara dengan mengunkit dia makan kek brownies semalam.
6. sebaik-baiknya tarik kekasihmu dan bawa dia bersiar-siar. Udara segar mampu mengubah moodnya. jangan sekali-kali mengingatkan dia mengenai ketidakselesaannya.
7. jangan bangkang jika dia mengutarakan masalah kami masih merokok walaupun sudah berjanji mahu berhenti, atau baju kamu bertaburan di lantai, kerana saat begini memungkinkan dia meninggikan suara
8. Adakah lebih baik kamu pelajri kehadiran period wanita kerana kamu akan sehidup semati dengan isteri atau bakal isteri. barulah bahagia dan serasi hidup.
9. bagi suami, belailah isteri jika dia dalam kesakitan. dodoi isteri agar dia lebih tenang. Manakala sang kekasih pula, bisikan kata-kata manis di telingannya menerusi telefon jika dia rasa kurang selesa.
10. Dengan kehadiran kamu wahai lelaki yang sangat memahami, ia baka meringankan lagi tekanan wanita. Hadiahkan wanita Kotex soft & smooth Overnight kerana ia pilihan tepat..

Rabu, 23 April 2008

exam mode

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... tulun minggu dpn da nak exam...

Rabu, 16 April 2008



mmmm... nie salah satu gambar yg aku ambil masa aku g pangkor nie... pemandangan waktu pagi... rasa cam x caye je...

Selasa, 15 April 2008

Berdasarkan Kajian

Berdasarkan Kajian 25 TAHUN DATO FADZILLAH KAMSAH org yg lahir pada bulan JULAI
Sangat seronok didamping // Banyak berahsia dan sukar utk mengerti
terutamanya lelaki //
Agak pendiam kecuali diransang // Ada harga dan maruah diri // Tak
suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan //
Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus // Sangat menjaga hati orang lain //
Sangat peramah // Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya //
Berjiwa sentimental // jarang berdendam // mudah memaafkan tapi sukar
melupakan // tidak suka benda remeh-temeh // membimbing cara fizikal
dan mental // sangat peka, caring dan mengasihi serta penyayang //
layanan yg serupa dgn semua orang // tinggi daya simpati //
pemerhatian yg tajam // suka menilai org lain dgn pemerhatian //
mudah dan rajin belajar // suka muhasabah diri // suka mengenangkan
peristiwa atau kawam lama // suka mendiamkan diri // suka duduk di
rumah // suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan // tak agresif kecuali
terpaksa // lemah dari segi kesihatan perut // mudah gemuk kalau tak
kawal diet // minta disayangi // mudah terluka hati tapi lambat
pulih // terlalu mengambil berat // rajin dalam membuat kerja

Rabu, 9 April 2008

My personality info

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Extraverted (E)

Extraversion is a preference to focus on the world outside the self. Extraverts enjoy social interactions and tend to be enthusiastic, verbal, assertive, and animated. They enjoy large social gatherings, such as parties and any kind of group activity. Extraverts are likely to enjoy time spent with people and find themselves energized by social interaction.

Extravert Characteristics

* Gregarious
* Assertive
* Talkative
* Social/outgoing
* Likes groups, parties, etc.
* Energized by interaction
* Expressive & enthusiastic
* Volunteers personal information
* Distractable
* Has many friends
* Easy to approach

Extraverted Personality Types

* Overseer
* Persuader
* Supporter
* Entertainer
* Chief
* Originator
* Mentor
* Advocate

Intuition (N)

Intuition refers to how people process data. Intuitive people focus on the future and the possibilities. They process information through patterns and impressions. They read between the lines, they are abstract thinkers.

Intuitive Characteristics

* Future-focused
* Sees possibilities
* Inventive
* Imaginitive
* Deep
* Abstract
* Idealistic
* Complicated
* Theoretical

iNtuition Personality Types

* Chief
* Originator
* Mentor
* Advocate
* Strategist
* Engineer
* Confidant
* Dreamer

Feeling (F)

Feeling refers to how people make decisions. Feeling people are subjective and make decisions based on principles and values. They are ruled by their heart instead of their head. Feeling people judge situations and others based on feelings and extenuating circumstances.

Feeling Characteristics

* Decides with heart
* Dislikes conflict
* Passionate
* Driven by emotion
* Gentle
* Easily hurt
* Empathetic
* Caring of others
* Warm

Feeling Personality Types

* Supporter
* Entertainer
* Mentor
* Advocate
* Defender
* Artist
* Confidant
* Dreamer

Perceiving (P)

Perceiving is the preference outwardly displayed. Perceiving people are flexible, like to keep their options open and think randomly. They like to act spontaneously and are adaptable. Perceivers like to keep things open ended.

Perceiving Characteristics

* Adaptable
* Relaxed
* Disorganized
* Care-free
* Spontaneous
* Changes tracks midway
* Keeps options open
* Procrastinates
* Dislikes routine
* Flexible

Perceiving Personality Types

* Persuader
* Entertainer
* Originator
* Advocate
* Craftsman
* Artist
* Engineer
* Dreamer

Selasa, 1 April 2008

terengganu... in memory...

banyak memory aku kat sana... walau pon aku nie agak kesorgan kat sana coz aku call org yg aku sayang x angkat... aku rasa macam aku nie x guna je masa tu... nasib la ade kawn yg masa gi sana agak melucukan hai aku... kurang la gak rasa suram aku kat sana... balik plak train abis plak... mintak tlg member amik plak die bg alasan yg aku tak bleh terima plak... cukup la ku mintk tlg skali tu je la... bukan aku nak mengunkit tp kalau die mintak tlg kat aku aku tlg la gak.. tp aku 2 kali mintak tlg kat die 2 kali tu gak hampa... mmm... xpe la aku nye credit masa tu pon xde aku pon jalan kaki la... dgn hati yang agak panas gak la... tp aku senyap....

-:My Personality:-

Click to view my Personality Profile page

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